Koko läntinen Eurooppa kiittää tsetseenien vapaussotureita 13.10.2005 iskuistaan saastaisia ja kuppasia miehittäjäryssiä vastaan ja korottaa Vladimir Putinista annettua 5 € tapporahaa 15 €:oon.
Suomen Kansakunta
Stacey Abrams Explains How She Was Given $1.9 Billion to Buy Appliances for
Homes (In A Town of 120 People) Which Lowered The Electric Bills of
Residents From $180 to $98
The EPA-Stacey Abrams grift revealed: @staceyabrams just told MSBNC's
@chrislhayes that the Biden EPA gave her $2 billion to buy people new home
5 hours ago